Your Town Council
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About your Council
Sandown Town Council is the most local level of government, it is a corporate body formed of 12 elected members. The current council or administration was elected in 2021.
Full council meets up to eight times annually with the finance and employment sub-committees meeting as required. The council works closely with the principal authority on the Island and two town councillors are also ward members for the Isle of Wight Council which is the unitary authority on the Island.
Legal duties and other information
What we must do
- Hold an annual meeting (please note the Covid-19 bill suspended this requirement until May 2021); See Meetings, minutes and agendas
- Hold at least three other meetings a year
- Appoint such officers as necessary for the proper discharge of the councils functions including a responsible financial officer.
- Have financial regulations to govern the supply of goods and services to the councils.
The arrangements for meetings and proceedings of local councils are set out in Part II of Schedule 12 to the Local Government Act 1972.
Local councils also have a duty to provide allotments should there be a proven local need.
More details of local council powers can be responsible can be found in the List of Parish Council Powers.
Local councils have policies for a number of things both because it is a duty and because it is good practice.
Sandown Town Councils standing orders, financial regulations, main policies and other documents can be found on the Documents and Policies page of the website.
Information relating to the councils finances can be found on the Finance and Grants webpage.